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Angela Loving Spring
Springtime was at its peak when I was visiting my friends, Sarah and Carl Howard in Mauldin, South Carolina. A most enjoyable time was in store for us all.

Their granddaughter, Angela, had chosen this special dress for her portrait, leaving the color up to me. It was originally white, but a sweet Alice blue looked best with the addition of matching hyacinths along the walkway. For the spring setting, Sarah drove me around Greenville and Mauldin for photographing all the breathtaking beauty to plan the garden on my canvas. We agreed that spring, from God's own creative Hand, speaks of Eternal Life.

Angela understood the moment I was seeking when asking her to imagine seeing her only man, the love of her life, coming in view for their walk in the garden. The little Carolina Wren is perched high in the dogwood singing a cheery song to her. You have to look closely to see our feathered friend.

In designing this garden, I had to keep planting flowers so it wouldn't look like part of a golf course!  

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Child in Prayer
36” X 48”
Oil on canvas
Private Collection
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