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Future Space Pilot
Future Space Pilot.
28” x 32”
Oil on canvas
Private Collection
An artistic emphasis of
our great space
Program, congratulating
all who so
Patiently work toward its magnificent
Goals benefiting all mankind.

The Heavens declare the Glory of God and the firmament shows His Handiwork.
Psalm 19:1

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Future Space Pilot
Big sister is reading from a book about a space pilot while the family pet yawns, to little sister’s amusement. I researched the yawn in dogs because some people may think the pet a bit ill. The tongue rolls toward the roof of the mouth when yawning as this one does. Younger brother is on an imaginary space flight just as past explorers dreamed of before new discoveries.

This painting, reproduced with the following message on my handmade cards, was sent to those involved in the Space Program in 1973 and met with a very warm reception.

Some Responses from an Artistic Emphasis of Our Great Space Program

August 11, 1973
Dear Miss Barnes:

"Thank you, very much indeed, for the copy of your beautiful painting showing a 'Future Space Pilot.' You are quite right that it is 'my kind of thing.' Science is so clean and explicit that I am unable to follow the meanings of some of the modern art!

Though I have not had much to do with dogs in my life, I do recall that they are prone to yawn, at times, and it is a pleasant touch in your painting, which I shall prize. With every good wish, very sincerely."

Esther C. Goddard
(Widow of Robert Hutchings Goddard, the father of U.S. rocketry)

October 31, 1973
Dear Miss Barnes:

"Since returning from the Skylab II mission, it has been gratifying to hear from many of the people in whose thoughts and prayers we were remembered during the flight. I want you to know how much I appreciate hearing from you.

I give thanks to God, to the spirit of the American people, and to thousands of space workers for a safe and successful mission. I am confident that our space program will continue to yield increasing benefits in the years to come. Someday we will wonder why anyone ever opposed it.

Thank you again for writing—it was good to hear from you."

Jack R. Lousma
Major, USMC and NASA Astronaut

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